Snacks are an important part of your training diet. They are great for keeping energy levels high and avoiding hunger between meals.

You should choose snacks that are high in carbohydrates and low in fat.

An easy way to make sure you always choose a suitable option is to look at the nutritional information; the snack should have less than 10g fat per 100g.

Crackers / Crispbreads

Have 3-4 crackers with low-fat cheese (e.g. Low-Low / Philadelphia) / lean meat and tomato.


  • Rye crackers
  • Rice cakes e.g. Snack-a-Jacks, Kallo Rice Cakes, Sakata, Real Food’s Corn Thins
  • Reduced fat cream crackers (less than 10g per 100g)
  • Cracker bread
  • Melba toast / Dutch crispbakes
  • Breadsticks
  • Water biscuits

Crisp Alternatives


  • Popcorn – Butterkist toffee, microwave or popped with no fat
  • Pretzels
  • Low-fat mini crackers (e.g. Ryvita Minis, Velvet Crunch)
  • Rice cakes (see list above)

Sweet Biscuits


  • Kelloggs: Nutrigrain or Elevenses (not chocolate or golden oat)
  • Special K Bars and Bites
  • Go Ahead: Crispy Slices or Fruit Bakes
  • Alpen Light
  • Jordan’s Frusli
  • Jaffa Cakes or Fig Rolls



  • Low-fat custard and fruit
  • Ice Cream (less than 5g fat per 100g) or sorbet and fruit
  • Low-fat muffins
  • Creamed rice e.g. Muller Rice, Ambrosia Rice Pudding (low fat) or supermarket own brand rice desserts

Miscellaneous Snacks


  • 1 wholemeal sandwich with 1 tablespoon chocolate spread* and ½ banana
  • 2 crumpets or 1 toasted English muffin with honey or jam
  • 1 bagel with low-fat cream cheese, peanut butter* or jam
  • Pancakes or malt loaf (e.g. Veda) with syrup or jam
  • Bowl of high fibre cereal and semi skimmed milk
  • Fruit smoothie – 100ml low-fat milk, 100g low-fat yoghurt and 1 banana or  ½ cup berries

*These foods contain more than 10g fat per 100g so use sparingly.