6th November, 2020
Sport NI value the views and opinions from everyone across Northern Ireland; sport plays a huge role in the lives of many, and has especially played a crucial role in communities across Northern Ireland during these disruptive and uncertain times with Covid-19. In this wave of consultation sessions, it’s time for the public to hear…Continue reading this article →
6th November, 2020
A message from your athletes to stay safe Sport Northern Ireland have been working alongside the HSC Public Health Agency, a number of Governing Bodies of Sport and individual athletes to create a Covid-19 awareness video. We can all work together and do our part to fight against the spread of Covid-19.
4th November, 2020
We are delighted with Minister Carál Ní Chuilín’s announcement (29 October 2020) of a fund of £15 million, which has been made available by the NI Executive to help the sports sector deal with the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, which will be administered by Sport NI. We recognise that the sports sector are eager…Continue reading this article →