From 9th December 2019 Belfast City Council will be inviting all VCSE organisations and groups in the city to nominate candidates for selection to a Sectoral Advisory Panel (closing date 31 Jan 2020). The panel will comprise approximately 15 members drawn from organisations and groups in Belfast’s VCSE sectors who will be expected to advocate and input views on behalf of others in the sector, utilising their existing sectoral connections, and through the citywide VCSE network.
A nomination form along with supporting information for applicants (including selection criteria) will be available for download from the NICVA website at Belfast Community Planning Partnership from 9 December 2019 onwards. In mid-February, NICVA will provide a report to the Community Planning Partnership outlining 15 recommended candidates for appointment along with a further 10 suggested reserve candidates.
Email requests to for additional information to:
Alternatively, please contact one of the team below:
Community Planning team contacts:
David Cuthbert
Community Planning Officer
028 9032 0202 ext 3320
This VCSE participation project is jointly funded by:
Jamie Uprichard
Community Planning Officer
028 9032 0202 ext 6248