Sport NI are delighted to be able to share the findings of the Club Survey 2019 which was undertaken late last year. The survey has been the most comprehensive piece of research Sport NI has undertaken with clubs. It has provided Sport NI with a greater understanding of the club landscape in Northern Ireland, their needs and the support required.
The key purpose of the Sports Club Research Project was to provide Sport NI with primary information to ‘improve planning, decision making and investment decisions at both strategic and operational levels’. We are pleased to say that the information clubs provided to us has already challenged our thinking in this space and has supported the development of investments in the last six months. We would like to thank all 837 clubs that took the time to complete the questionnaire and the 166 individuals who attended the focus groups. You have provided us with a huge amount of feedback which has been developed into this Club Survey 2019 report.
The report outlines the key findings of the survey and incorporates the views provided during the 12 focus groups that took place around the province earlier this year. The analysis of the surveys and focus groups, undertaken by Otium Leisure Consultancy, has informed the report and given Sport NI a clear understanding of the breadth of the club landscape across the 60 Governing Bodies that engaged in the process.
Taking on board the information provided by clubs and the additional views and comments, Sport NI has developed an action plan to start to address some of the areas of support requested. The plan is located at the end of the report (p27-30) and will be delivered over the next three years. The plan is a starting point and will evolve further as Sport NI endeavours to support clubs in this challenging environment.