Latest government guidance
The situation is evolving quickly,and you should check regularly for updated government advice,which can be found on the website.
Specific advice for employers and businesses has been provided by Public Health England. This includes guidance on dealing with cases of suspected COVID-19 in staff and members of the public, along with information about infection control and issues such as the appropriateness of face masks.
Should matches be cancelled or postponed?
Government advice is that there is no need to cancel or postpone matches at any size of sports ground at this time,but it is possible that this may change as the outbreak develops.
What action should sports grounds consider taking?
- Regularly check for updates and ensure that your plans are in line with government advice
- Including COVID-19 in the risk assessment for matches(including any specific risk factors around the visiting team or local area from which supporters are travelling) and where any additional risks are flagged,considering whether further mitigation measures are required.
- Review medical plans to ensure that they include procedures for dealing sensitively with any person in the ground who presents with symptoms of COVID-19. Some sports grounds have found it useful to produce a specific COVID-19 Standing Operational Procedure (SOP) to share with staff.
- Give clear guidance to staff and stewards on how to deal with potential cases of COVID-19 and issues such as the appropriateness of face masks–ensure that all the agency/public services (e.g.police,ambulance personnel) working at the ground are informed.
- Review business continuity and contingency plans for supply chain disruption and staff/public service shortages (including medical staff, ambulance and police personnel)
- Providing additional hand washing and/or sanitising facilities for staff and the public
- Communicating with fans (e.g.don’t come to a match if you feel unwell, wash hands regularly, follow the Catch it, Bin it, Kill it campaign)
- Before taking decisions about changes to events or your safety management operation, ensure that all the potential safety implications have been considered, and you have consulted with the Certifying Authority/SAG members and other stakeholders where appropriate.
- Ensure that,where appropriate, your plans align with those of the local authority, emergency and health service
The SGSA is the UK Government’s advisor on safety at sports grounds and a world leader in safety.
The situation is evolving quickly, and you should check regularly for updated government advice, which can be found on the website.