3rd June, 2019
A brand new, state-of-the-art 3G football pitch is ready for a summer of action in Greenisland after an investment of more than £800k. The new facilities will not only host Greenisland FC, but act as a sports hub for the entire community with outdoor gym equipment and further plans in the pipeline. Thanks to £700k…Continue reading this article →
30th May, 2019
Get ready for UK Coaching Week Sport NI believe that #GreatCoaching drives sporting activity, great experiences and helps to deliver a healthier, more active and cohesive society. Coaching helps us to be active, improve and connect. During Coaching Week, clubs, coaches, community groups, education, businesses and the public will come together to showcase and explore how…Continue reading this article →
21st May, 2019
To mark Mental Health Awareness Week (13th May), Sport Northern Ireland will be releasing a series of videos featuring Northern Ireland athletes who have battled with mental health. These videos are blunt. The videos are to raise awareness and understanding of mental health and support the NI Wellbeing in Sport Action Plan – a six…Continue reading this article →
19th May, 2019
Active, Fit and Sporty Survey Sport Northern Ireland are seeking feedback on female participation in sport and physical activity by completing an online survey. We are seeking information and advice on how can we as an organisation, in conjunction with our partners and the wider public can encourage more females to take part and flourish…Continue reading this article →
9th May, 2019
Fermanagh and Omagh District Council are reviewing the content of the Community Plan as per legislation. To assist the first stage of this process they are undertaking a ’light touch’ community engagement to reaffirm and prioritise the key priorities for the District moving forward. The engagement will close on the 30th May 2019. Please take…Continue reading this article →
9th May, 2019
Get Wet NI is back for 2019 and launches this weekend with a whole host of taster events on Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th May. 11 clubs across Northern Ireland are getting participants to have a go at their chosen watersport, whether that’s rowing, sailing, kayaking/canoeing, waterskiing or surfing. These events will be followed by a…Continue reading this article →
12th April, 2019
Thanks to Department of Communities, there have been a number of inclusive golf projects across Northern Ireland including Antrim and Newtownabbey, Belfast, Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon, Causeway Coast and Glens and Mid and East Antrim. The project encourages and facilitates a collaborative approach to increasing participation in golf among people with disabilities, the project…Continue reading this article →
4th April, 2019
Sport Northern Ireland and the NI Football League are pleased to announce a new partnership with Sporting Chance, which will provide education sessions to Danske Bank Premiership and Academy teams, focusing on emotional and mental health in a sporting context. Each workshop will explore topics including substance misuse, compulsive behaviours and addiction including input from…Continue reading this article →
28th March, 2019
Using Virtual Reality to Help People with Learning Disability be more Active Sport Northern Ireland is delighted to be involved with an exciting new pilot project delivered in partnership with Mencap NI designed to make sports facilities and sporting activities more inclusive through new Virtual Reality technology. The pilot project delivers new and innovative…Continue reading this article →
28th March, 2019
‘From the Carry Row to Tokyo ‘From the Carry Row to Tokyo’ is Drew Cochrane’s true story of living with sight loss, when he developed an illness called Leber’s Optic Atrophy, a hereditary disease that his brother Ian also suffered from. Born in the 1940’s in a rural townland, Drew had an interesting childhood with…Continue reading this article →