Sport NI is standing with the sporting community this weekend by joining the social media boycott against online abuse of athletes from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Communities.

Antoinette McKeown, CEO of Sport NI, stated: “Sport NI is standing with the sporting community this weekend by joining the social media boycott against online abuse of athletes from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Communities. The extent and level of abuse experienced by athletes due solely to the colour of their skin is reprehensible and…Continue reading this article →

Monitoring and Evaluation Framework

Supporting Sport to Build Back Better – How will we know if our programmes and interventions are making an impact? Supporting Sport to Build Back Better is a complex programme made up of a number of interventions and grant programmes. To support us in determining the impact of the programme, Sport Northern Ireland have appointed…Continue reading this article →

Pathway out of Restrictions for Sport: Update 16 April 2021

Pathway Out of Restrictions for Sport: Update 16 April 2021 The NI Executive made further announcements regarding the Pathway out of Restrictions for Sport on 15 April 2021. These announcements relate to sport below elite level and provide dates for movement to Phase 2 sub-steps (b) outdoor training in squad groups and (c) outdoor competitive sport without spectators. Further…Continue reading this article →

Project Re-Boot: Team Up announce over £606k to Support Sport to build Back Better

Sport Northern Ireland is today announcing an investment of over £606k to support new innovative and creative projects that will deliver a partnership approach with other organisations or clubs. We know that the Coronavirus pandemic has changed our world, and the most vulnerable people have been hardest hit. As we recover we have an opportunity to reset, re-boot…Continue reading this article →

A Re-Boot for Sport As Clubs Team Up to Build Back Better

Sport Northern Ireland is today announcing an investment of over £606k to support new innovative and creative projects that will deliver a partnership approach with other organisations or clubs. We know that the Coronavirus pandemic has changed our world, and the most vulnerable people have been hardest hit. As we recover we have an opportunity to reset, re-boot…Continue reading this article →

Easter Statement

The value of sport to us individually and societally, has become so much more apparent, as a result of losing it from our lives during COVID 19, when we complied with restrictions and regulations. The emotional, mental and physical wellbeing we feel when we enjoy competitive and fun social sport with others in our communities…Continue reading this article →

Pathway out of Restrictions for outdoor sport

Guidance note on Phase 2 of the Pathway out of Restrictions for Outdoor Sport Background The NI Executive recently announced the Pathway out of Restrictions, which included a strand for Sport and Leisure activities. Two infographics have been created to help Outdoor sports plan their approach to Phase 2 of the Pathway. The first infographic…Continue reading this article →

Sport NI Statement of Sports Sustainability Fund

The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has caused significant financial hardship for the sports sector, the Sport Sustainability Fund Programme was launched to help mitigate against the net losses that the sector has suffered. The value of sport is never more important for us all as a society, as we tentatively emerge from COVID 19. The sports…Continue reading this article →

Sport Northern Ireland Safeguarding Statement

Sport NI has noted the release of the Interim Whyte Review, a commissioned investigation into allegations of mistreatment within Gymnastics, by Anne Whyte QC. We now await the full Review to be completed. The report may be accessed at this link: The Whyte Review: the review into complaints of mistreatment in gymnastics | UK Sport  …Continue reading this article →

A further £10.5 million Sports Sustainability Fund support to sport, including GAA, Golf and Rugby

Sport NI announced today further financial support through the Sports Sustainability Fund Programme to the sporting sector; bringing a total investment of £22.4 million through this specific fund.   The Sports Sustainability Fund is a critical support to sport at this time and Sport NI is pleased to make a further announcement of much needed…Continue reading this article →