* Please note that this programme has now closed *


The Executive and the Minister for Communities, Deirdre Hargey MLA, have provided COVID recovery funding for sports organisations and a range of other not-for-profit organisations.

Sport Northern Ireland will deliver the ‘COVID Recovery Programme for Sports Organisations’ with the aim to reduce or remove operating deficits in eligible organisations which have arisen in the 2021/22 financial year because of the COVID pandemic. The ‘COVID Recovery Programme for Sports Organisations’ will support eligible organisations which have been negatively affected by the pandemic in the financial year 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022; and which have a financial operating deficit during that period which is attributable to COVID.

The financial information collected should relate to operating income and expenditure.  These items of income and expenditure would typically be included on an organisation’s ‘Income and expenditure Account’ or ‘Profit and Loss account’.

Capital costs (including expenditure in relation to new builds and development) would not normally appear as operating expenditure and should not be included.  Where expenditure includes repayment of loans or mortgages, the INTEREST element of the repayment is typically included as an operating expense, while the CAPITAL element is typically not included as an operating expense.  Depreciation is an operating expense and should be included.

Further information is available in the Programme FAQs. Click to download the FAQs for the CRP for Sports Organisations

The Covid Recovery Programme Guidance Note provides information on funding priorities, those organisations eligible to apply to the programme, eligible costs & the application process.

All applications must be made on-line through Sport NI’s online grant application portal through the link here: www.sportni.net. (The application portal will close for completed applications at 12 noon on Friday 28th January 2022.) A PDF copy of the application form (for information only) can be downloaded here.

Click to download a copy of the financial template: (updated 14th January 2022): COVID Recovery Programme – Sport – Financial Template. Please use the mandatory enclosures checklist prior to submission to ensure all information is included in your application: Mandatory Enclosures Checklist 

Programme specific queries can be sent by email to CRP@Sportni.net