The Club Experience Project Sport Northern Ireland recognises the importance of positive club sport experiences, for participants, parents and Sport Makers alike, and as such has included a multi-faceted people development project into its National Lottery Funded – Supporting Sport to Build Back Better programme. This is entitled ‘The Club Experience Project’. The video below will provide you with an outline of why this initiative has been created, the various elements included within in it, and how you might be able to engage with elements of the project.
The Club Experience Project – Learning Suite: ‘Live’ Modules
The eight ‘live’ modules within The Club Experience Learning Suite touch on a range of themes that impact upon club experiences, designed to support club coaches and volunteers in a range of different formats. The module titles include:
A brief outline of the content, format and costs for booking delivery of one of these modules by Sport Northern Ireland for a group of coaches &/or volunteers is available to download Here
To make an enquiry about organising/booking a module for a group of coaches &/or volunteers – please email:
A number of governing bodies of sport have orientated individuals within their tutor workforce to deliver some or all of these module (please note, not every governing body listed below will be in a position to deliver every module). If your club is affiliated to one of these governing bodies of sport, you may wish to contact that organisation to enquire about accessing module/s. The list of governing bodies involved currently includes:
The Club Experience Project – ICoachKids eLearning Modules
Sport Northern Ireland has strengthened and developed its relationship with ICoachKids, the global movement for youth sport – led by the International Council for Coaching Excellence (ICCE) and Leeds Beckett University, in order to provide three free to access eLearning modules to support coaches of children, and others who enable children’s sport. These three Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) include:
Each of the MOOCs can be accessed on a free, open-access basis Here
The video play list for each MOOC can also be accessed via:
The Club Experience Project – Club X-ray
The ‘Club X-ray’ process has been designed to support clubs and coaches to gain an enhanced awareness of the experiences of everyone involved in the club, including participants, parents, coaches, club volunteers and committee members. The process will no doubt continue to evolve over time, but currently the Club X-ray involves support for coaches to explore intended and realised experiences through one-to-one in-field coach developer relationships, and a series of focused discussions with participants, parents, coaches, club volunteers and committee members. These discussions consider, from the perspective of each group, what a club could start, stop, continue or build upon to enhance their experience of the club.
This element of The Club Experience Project is currently operational with six governing bodies of sport. Four of these governing bodies are being supported through a Coach Developer Training Programme for relevant staff to lead the process within their sports, with a further two governing bodies supported through direct Coach Developer service delivery from Sport Northern Ireland staff. The governing bodies of sport currently involved in this element of The Club Experience Project include:
Sport-Led Service
Sport Northern Ireland-Led Service
If your club is not currently being formally supported through the Club X-ray process, you can still begin to explore the experiences of different sub-groups within your club by asking the following simple question/s, either through surveys or conversations: