Welcome to the UK Wide Talent and Performance Pathway Inclusion Research Project

Overview of the project

Sheffield Hallam University would like to inform you about research taking place on behalf of UK Sport and the Home Country Sports Councils (Sport England, Sportscotland, Sport Wales and Sport NI) to investigate the inclusion landscape within the talent and performance pathways. This will involve gathering data that National governing bodies already hold regarding characteristics of their members. This includes, where available, gender, ethnicity, age, nationality, education, gender identity, sexuality, first language, religion and postcode. For more information please click here.

Strategic Context

‘By 2025 we want the power of sport to be recognised and valued by all.’

In order to achieve this Mission Statement, Sport Northern Ireland wants the power of sport to be recognised and valued by all and commits to working with our partners to ensure that sport continues to play its part in delivering wider benefits to communities in Northern Ireland. For further strategic context click here.

Call to Action

For further information on our call to action click here.

Athlete Interviews

This is a short selection of clips from the athletes we interviewed as part of the project, please visit here to watch the full interviews.

Coach Interviews

This is a short selection of clips from the coaches we interviewed as part of the project, please visit here to watch the full interviews.


For access to the frequently asked questions please click here