Sport NI recognises that the foundation of the Sporting System is to get people active, through physical activity.
Sport NI will work with its partners to create a more inclusive and supportive sporting culture that ensures that key elements of the Sporting System are delivered, such as improving accessibility for all.
Improving accessibility and connectivity will also create more opportunities for those not already participating in sport to become engaged.
In order to ensure that any strong Sporting System remains equitable and inclusive for all, Sport NI has established cornerstones for its work. Sport NI’s Corporate Plan 2021-26 ‘The Power of Sport’ has four cornerstones – one of which relates specifically to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI):
“Build a positive and inclusive sports culture in Northern Ireland”
Sport NI expects its partners, including funded organisations, to similarly reflect this aspiration. Linked to this, is a specific enabler (as per the Corporate Plan): “Culture, Good Governance and Equality Mainstreaming”
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion are three core and interlinked issues designed to ensure that fairness, an ability to contribute and acceptance of difference are considered in all areas of life. With EDI being a prominent current theme within sports culture, it is essential that Sport NI’s partner organisations are following current best practice in the area and that Sport NI is able to provide information resources to facilitate this.
The recently launched Moving to Inclusion Framework is a new EDI hub, an initiative supported by the Sports Councils, including Sport Northern Ireland.
Further EDI guidance and support for the wider sport sector are included within the below resources:
An EDI policy should set out in writing your organisation’s commitment to meeting your legal obligations and ensuring that every place and space, policy and practice is respectful, welcoming and accessible to people from all backgrounds with life experiences different to our own.
While many organisations begin by focusing their EDI statement/policies on employee issues, we recommend taking a whole organisation approach and referencing your EDI commitment to customers and other stakeholders to include sport participants and members.
Tips for delivering an inclusive online presentation and online content
Accessibility Guidance for printed and digital information and social media support.
Designing inclusive content for a range of audiences, to include;
- ‘Screen Users’
- ‘Low Vision’
- ‘Dyslexia’
- ‘Physical or Motor Disabilities’
- ‘Anxiety’
Sport NI remains focused on the need to promote, embed and reinforce inclusivity and wellbeing across the Sport Sector.
EDI Sports Development Networking Event
Sport NI recently hosted the EDI Sports Development Networking event where more than 80 representatives gathered to discuss key issues in Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion in sports.
Please see below information from the event: