Get Wet was a European Erasmus Plus funded project that aimed to increase health enhancing physical activity through the use of water based sports and activities especially for those at risk of social and economic isolation. It involved collaborative working to promote opportunities for long-term sustainable engagement in sport and physical activities in, on or adjacent to water.
In Northern Ireland it has been being rolled out through the Getwet NI campaign. It promoted opportunities for participation and then helped to showcase the value of water based sports during the European Week of Sport.
There are six partners engaged in the project:
The project has been co-funded by the European Commission Erasmus Plus for Sport funding.
The project provided a series of taster and try it events throughout the summer season to engage new participants with a range of water based sports. These events provided participants with some skills and encouraged them into longer term activity through clubs and therefore increase club membership.
Following the programmes that were run, the partners developed a toolkit to help with the development of water sports at a European level.
You can download the toolkit here on the Get WET website