Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Equality Act 1998 requires Sport Northern Ireland, while carrying out its functions, to have:

  1.  Due regard to the need to promote equality of opportunity between persons of different religious belief, political opinion, racial group, age, marital status, sexual orientation, men and women generally, persons with a disability or persons without, and persons with dependants and persons without;
  2. Regard to the desirability of promoting good relations between persons of different religious belief, political opinion, and racial group.

Public authorities are also required to produce an Equality Scheme which explains how they intend to fulfil these duties. The Equality Scheme Action Plan is the output document of the equality commitments we have made.

Sport Northern Ireland’s Equality Scheme sets out how we intend to comply with these duties, including the screening of policies for equality implications, conducting equality impact assessments, maintaining a register of organisations and individuals with whom we will consult in respect of equality of opportunity.

Download Sport Northern Ireland’s most recent equality-related publications:

Equality Scheme

Disability Action Plan

Annual Section 75 Report

Promoting Fair Play in Sport

Equal Opportunities Policy 

Policy Screening


Sports Systems Investment Programme

We recognise the deep-rooted inequalities in sport, which mean people have been excluded because the right options and opportunities have not been there. This is at the heart of any future investment into the Sports System. Sports Governing bodies are central to the delivery of sport in Northern Ireland so we want to have real conversations to maximise their impact and help us understand and address these inequalities.

Section 75 Screening Template

Screening Document


Renewable Energy Fund Programme

The Renewable Energy Fund is a pilot initiative that sets out to reduce the environmental impact of sports clubs in Northern Ireland. The programme will provide financial support to sports clubs for the development and implementation of energy projects which are likely to have a positive impact on their environmental sustainability. In line with the Sport NI Equality Scheme, you are invited to review the Section 75 and RNIA screening outcomes of this programme by clicking on the links below. We welcome any comments which should be forwarded to

RNIA Renewable Energy Fund

RNIA Form Appendix 1 additional document

REF S75 Screening Form 


Business Plan 2023-2024

This Business Plan 2023-2024 remains aligned with our corporate vision, mission and strategic objectives and will direct our resources over the next 12 months. The Sport NI Business Plan pursues the outcomes of the Sport NI Corporate Plan. Our mission highlights that we are passionate about maximising the Power of Sport to change lives, by 2026 we want the Power of Sport to be recognised and valued by all. To achieve our Mission, we recognise that we must build towards it in steps. 2023-24 is our third year within the cycle of our 5 year plan The Power of Sport.

In line with the Sport NI Equality Scheme, you are invited to review the Section 75 and RNIA screening outcomes of our Business Plan by clicking on the links below. We welcome any comments which should be forwarded to

RNIA Business Plan 2023/24

Business Plan S75 Screening Template


Creating Opportunities Investment

Sport NI has designed a programme of investment that will create opportunities to connect communities, enabling more people to take part in sport and physical activity throughout Northern Ireland. In particular, the project will focus on creating opportunities to ‘level the playing field’, to ensure accessibility and inclusion is felt and experienced by those who have been traditionally excluded from not only participating in sport but also taking up active roles in coaching, officiating and or leading as part of a Board.

This project will provide financial support to upskill and sustain the sporting workforce. In line with the Sport NI Equality Scheme, you are invited to review the Section 75 and RNIA screening outcomes of this programme by clicking on the links below. We welcome any comments which should be forwarded to

Creating Opportunities Investment Screening Template

RNIA – Creating Opportunities Grants Programme


District Councils Community Planning Programme

Sport NI is a statutory partner in Community Planning, across all 11 District Councils in Northern Ireland. At the heart of Sport NI’s corporate plan ‘The Power of Sport’, is the ambition to increase and sustain participation in sport and physical activity through connected communities. Rates of participation in sport and physical activity vary with those most inactive coming from our most deprived communities and also many of our minority communities.

Community planning is an opportunity to work collaboratively with partners to make the greatest impact at community level and prioritising those who are in greatest need. This investment will deliver projects in sport and physical activity right at the heart of the community, in areas Local Authorities have prioritised. In line with the Sport NI Equality Scheme, you are invited to review the Section 75 and RNIA screening outcomes of this programme by clicking on the links below. We welcome any comments which should be forwarded to

District Councils Community Planning Programme RNIA

District Councils Community Planning Programme Screening Template

RNIA – DCCP Grants Programme

Information will be made available on request in accessible formats such as Braille, audio formats and large print. Information will also be provided in minority languages to meet the needs of those who are not fluent in English.

You may also wish to view the Sports Council Equality Group’s (SCEG) Equality in Sport Website. This has been created to provide a wide range of equality-related material to assist all sporting organisations become more equitable and to provide a service to all sectors of the population.

Please contact Sport Northern Ireland should you require additional information or these reports in an alternative format: